Across the border... by Charles Wiese

… from the Ukraine, I find some tunes from Poland.

First, a delightful vid that weds After Effects with vintage footage. I live for the bass player at the end…

A fine group of musicians - Same Suki - produced the following (NSFW, fair warning). Fine!

A brand new tune - just over a week old - nice!

If I ever get to Poland I hope to find them making music while there… one more.

Interesting sounds emanating from the Ukraine... by Charles Wiese

I’ve been enjoying Alyona Alyona’s raps for some time. I have no idea (absent a translation) what they are about, but I love the beats and the sound. She has an interesting history, too. This is a nice collaboration with Jamala and a delightfully weird video.


Another musician that has collaborated with Alyona, Alyona is Alina Pash. Check this out.


Sound Check... by Charles Wiese

I thought I would try a new category on my website as a vehicle to share some of the music videos that I enjoy.

More than likely, it will feature music that most have not heard.

Standard instructions apply - good speakers (or headphones), full screen, and play it loud!

Here is the first one - a visual and audio delight - a bit a beauty to brighten dark times.